Building Codes

BOMA International continues to be a major contributor to building codes development as the only national commercial real estate association with an active building codes advocacy program. BOMA’s codes team, in partnership with state and local BOMA Codes Committees, works to ensure that the interests of commercial real estate are represented from building codes development to implementation.

How to Get Involved with Codes Committees »

The BOMA International Advocacy, Codes and Standards Division works under the umbrella of the BOMA International Government Affairs Committee to develop and implement effective building codes and standards, as well as develop policy positions. BOMA also has additional resources to help set up a local code committee.

Current Code Development Cycle »

BOMA International makes an ongoing effort to provide the resources necessary for members to keep up-to-date with current code development cycles. BOMA has a seat at the table in developing codes , so it is able to respond to proposed code changes, offer testimony on behalf of the commercial real estate industry and keep members informed throughout the process.

Main Issues »

BOMA International focuses on a variety of relevant issues related to commercial real estate and heavily concentrates on building codes in relation to ICC, the Americans with Disabilities Act, ASHRAE Standards, as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Rules and Regulations.

Resources »

In order to continually update our members on the latest building codes and any significant changes, BOMA International has several resources, such as our research studies and white papers, as well as links to the most recent building codes.

2015 I-Code Cost Benefit Analysis
2018 I-Codes Cost Benefit Analysis