CMCP Exam Prep Made Easy

Don’t forget: The BOMA Foundation offers a scholarship to fund individuals pursuing the CMCP certification. Up to eight scholarships will be awarded per quarter. Applicants may use the scholarship to cover either the CMCP application/exam fee or the CMCP Exam Prep Course.
Learn more and apply. >>

Prepare for the Certified Manager of Commercial Properties™ (CMCP™) Exam and Satisfy the 30-Hour Training Requirement in One Easy Step!

Study Smarter with the CMCP Exam Prep Course: Now Available Via Two Instructional Options

CMCP exam eligibility requires 30 hours of commercial real estate education. BOMA and BOMI’s CMCP Exam Prep Course satisfies the 30-hour requirement and helps prepare you for the exam—all in one step, with one course. And, now there are two ways to take the course: as an online, self-paced course or live with a virtual instructor!

Online, Self-Paced CMCP Exam Prep Course:

  • Conveniently offered online—access the materials any time and study at your own pace
  • Includes 7 easy-to-navigate sections focused on the property management body of knowledge covered on the CMCP exam:
    • Accounting and financial management/reporting
    • Lease management, execution and terminology
    • Risk management, voluntary and regulatory compliance, ethics, security
    • Building systems, maintenance, contract and project management, property management, capital projects
    • Managing relationships with owners, occupants, staff and vendors
    • Professional networking, civic involvement, media relations, and communicating with asset managers
    • Integrated competencies: Innovation, organization, service orientation and communication
  • The digital course book is searchable and allows for the creation of study aids with notetaking, highlighting and flash cards
  • Includes quizzes and a practice exam so you can test your knowledge
  • Brought to you by BOMA and BOMI, trusted market leaders in commercial real estate education and training

Learn more and sign up now at For only $495, fulfill the CMCP industry training requirement and access practice tests, so you can go into the exam feeling confident—all with one carefully curated course!

(410) 974-1410

New: Live! Instructor-Led Virtual CMCP Exam Prep Course:

BOMA and BOMI have teamed up to take everything you love about the online, self-paced CMCP Exam Prep Course and turn it into a live, virtual instructor-led course to get you ready to ace the CMCP certification exam!

  • Live and Instructor-Led: Experience expert instruction from an industry veteran, offering you the opportunity to explore and discuss key concepts found on the exam with a seasoned property pro.
  • Collaborative Activities During Live Sessions: Collaborate directly with your peers and with the instructor during the live sessions and benefit from hands-on learning.
  • Digital Course Materials: This course will provide you with digital study materials you need for CMCP exam preparation. These materials include a digital coursebook, on-demand access to the session recordings for six months after the course ends, practice questions and more.
  • Get One Step Closer to Your Certification: Best of all, just like the online, self-paced course, this course fulfills the CMCP’s 30-hour education and training requirement. Go into the exam feeling confident! You’ve got this!

Future dates coming soon!