BOMA International's Policy Briefs and Studies

BOMA International is constantly working to keep members up to date on pressing policy issues across the industry. In doing so, our advocacy department releases policy briefs, which are an excellent resource to those interested in both new and unexplored areas of policy, or old issues that are being rehashed.  

Check out some of the great research done in these briefs by downloading them below!

The PREPARE Act - Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are increasing in frequency, costing the United States $800 billion in the last decade alone. Homes and small businesses have been devastated in recent years by the impacts of severe flooding. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) statistics show that about half (40 to 60 percent) of small businesses never reopen following a disaster, and every $1 spent on mitigation saves taxpayers an average of $6. Read this brief to find out more about the PREPARE Act and why BOMA believes it can empower small businesses to protect themselves against severe weather events.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Commercial Real Estate

AI is here, and there’s no shortage of opinions on it. As the technology evolves and advances, AI is alternatively hailed as a savior to society’s problems or reviled as a potential disaster of apocalyptic proportions. On one hand, AI is already hard at work making meaningful progress—in fields including commercial real estate—while offering glimpses at stunning advances from health care to transportation to public safety. On the other hand, there are legitimate concerns that replacing human judgment with machine learning carries real risks, from accelerating job loss to institutionalizing bias to the frightening consequences of losing the ability to recognize truth and reality. Read here for more info on BOMA's research and perspective.

Building Electrification: 10 Steps For A Balanced Approach

The concept of encouraging or mandating building electrification has evolved rapidly from a niche concept among a few cities and proponents, to a mainstream sustainability goal discussed on national and global scales. This policy brief explores 10 steps that can be taken to ensure the built environment stably and safely work towards a transition. Read here.

Study - Building Electrification

Building electrification is the act of replacing fossil fuel powered boilers, domestic hot water heaters, and commercial grade ovens with all electric appliances such as heat pumps, ground-source heat pumps, and induction stoves. BOMA Advocacy partnered with Steve Winter Associates to do an in-depth look at the benefits and also the challenges of pursuing building electrification. Read the full study here.

Battery Fires

Initially seen as an exciting and convenient amenity, e-scooters and e-bikes are everywhere in downtowns across the United States. With their wide use comes the emergence of a new dangerous issue, fires started from these vehicles' electric batteries. Read more about the challenges posed by electric bikes and scooters.

Electrification of Buildings

Decarbonization continues to be a large focus of public policy. Building electrification plays a massive role in this push for decarbonization, but what do we do with existing buildings and what steps can they take? Read more about BOMA's insights on building electrification and carbon reduction.


Homelessness continues to be a complex and difficult problem in the U.S. While statistics can be unreliable and varying, it is clear that homelessness is a national problem, and not limited exclusively to large downtown areas. Through this policy brief, BOMA International has looked for examples of steps that the industry can take to address homelessness in and around our communities.