On March 19, 2019, BOMA International hosted a meeting of the International Code Council (ICC) Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) at BOMA International’s offices in Washington, D.C. The committee, chaired by BOMA International’s Senior Codes Consultant, John Catlett, represents over 300 industries affected by changes in the ICC’s I-Codes. Currently, the committee is responsible for advising the ICC about matters affecting the ICC’s working relationships; how to improve documents and services provided by ICC; and policies and programs to enhance codes professions. BOMA International’s involvement in this committee is part of a broader commitment to the built environment as the only national commercial real estate association with an active building codes advocacy program.
At the meeting, the committee discussed a new policy that allows for interim amendments after code approval to prevent unintended consequences, such as the removal of a previously approved product, material or method—or a reduction of intended safety levels. The committee also moved forward with the development of a modular building standard to create consistency among manufacturers working across multiple states in the U.S. Additionally, the ICC announced it is considering expanding the Standard for Residential Construction in High-Wind Regions (ICC 600) into a portfolio of Natural Hazard Mitigation Standards affecting all building uses. Finally, the ICC Board of Directors appointed a Long-Term Code Development Process Committee to make recommendations on the future of the code development process.
Two projects were proposed for the IAC’s consideration. The first is a separation of the International Fire Code into two parts: International Fire Code and International Fire Prevention Code. The second proposal is to conduct a full cost analysis of newly adopted code provisions at the end of code hearings before the actual release of the new codes.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss any of this information, contact John Catlett at codes@boma.org.